Monday, December 31, 2012

Chipsets and Attributes

Chips and attributes make your word much easier and helps overcome some deficiencies of your digimon. By applying these you can make a world of difference for your tamer and your digimon; these will be essential if pvp ever comes to gdmo (english version of dmo).  Now there is a differnece between the two, chips will directly apply to your digimon if its the correct level and type; attributes apply directly to to tamer and will apply to the digimon through a system called intimacy.


Attributes are things that you apply to your tamers clothes that will up your tamer's stats and through intimacy, your digimons stats (this is explained in the intimacy paragraph). You'll notice that digimon pretty much everywhere besides b1,b2 and maze will drop these things. They look like glowly orbs coming in different colors. Each color goes with a certain area that you attach it to ( I don't remember which colors go with which at the moment). You can also get them from scanning chip eggs that you get from b1,b2 and maze, though you'll more likely will get chips. Attributes rank from A to D, D being the best class of attribute. If you want higher attributes than you obviously have to kill stronger digimon to get them, like gizus or try and get lucky with high rank chip eggs.

Now when you get an attribute, it'll be unscanned and you can't do anything with it besides stare at it. So to be able to use it, you need to take it to an Equipment Merger, which will usually be a Kamemon ( the turtle) or a bald guy. These can be found scattered all around, the easiest one is the one in Western Village if you complete all the find chessmon quests all around the western area. It'll then cost you to have these attributes to be analyzed, not all attributes will scan the same, there is a range of values that they can have, which is stated on the attribute before you analyze it. Once you know its value then you must merge it with your clothing. You click the merging option and have to have that piece of clothing off of you as well. You put the piece of clothing in the top lone slot and there are two slots on the bottom for attributes, the exception for this is your glasses and shoes, they only have one slot for attributes. After you put them in the slot, then you click merge, which also costs you money. When you come across a better attribute, you go to the merging section again, but you click on the one that you dont want anymore and click de-activate, this also costs money, so then you have a free slot to put in your new attribute.

Now attributes don't apply fully to your tamer, most clothes that you get in game will only apply 55% of what the value of the attribute is, this is a ploy so you'll buy premium clothing from the cash shop (you can't trade it even if bought with premium silk) which will apply 115-130% of the attribute to your tamer. The glasses apply 90% and shoes apply 100% even if they're the regular clothes found in game. Now you can buy clothes from people or scan higher rank item eggs to get them. There are also certain sellers all around the digital world that will sell one type of clothing; like gloves are sold in digifarm. Clothes are generally pretty cheap, the only one that get pricey are glasses, which are still relatively easy to get; I got mine from scanning eggs from the snow area. Clothes come in all sorts of shapes and colors so you can customize your tamer as you go.

Pants- These are where defense attributes go, this stat can be passed onto your digimon, allowing it to take more of a beating.

Shirt/Jacket- These are where health attributes go, this increases your tamer's health allowing you to not get fatigued as fast. It also gives more health to your digimon.

Gloves-These are where attack attributes go, this stat can be passed onto your digimon, allowing it to give more of a beating. This doesn't affect your f1/f2, only the base attack stat your digimon has.

Shoes-These are where speed attributes go, this stat can be passed onto your digimon, allowing it to attack  a little faster and for your tamer to move faster. The highest value you can get for this attribute is 4%, which is difficult to get. I had a friend who scanned 30 of them and didn't get a single 4%. It doesn't make you any less of a tamer if you stick with 3%.

Glasses-These are where ds attributes go, increases your tamer ds, allowing you to remain digivolved longer and gives more ds to your digimon. I think the highest these can go is 185 or 186.

Hats-These are where ds attributes go, this does the same thing as glasses and can be worn at the same time as glasses, while the headphones that you get from the cash shop cannot. This is an event only clothes item and cannot be sold. They gave it out during halloween in gdmo's first year and hasn't been given out in a long time.

Currently these are the only clothes available at this time of writing. You can sell attributes scanned or unscanned as long as you haven't applied them to clothing.


This is the bond between you and your digimon. When you first get a digimon it'll be 0, but will go up as you continue to use/have this digimon. The max I've seen intestacy "naturally" go is to 35, but costumes obtained from the cash shop or events can raise it by 20 points, giving you a possible max of 55 intimacy with your digimon. Why should you care? Well intimacy ties in attributes that your tamer uses. As you use your digimon more, you intimacy will go up and will then gain a "base intimacy". This is the value that your digimon will start the day off with when you first long on and bring it out, this will increase as you use it more. For example my tentomon starts off at 20 when I log on and bring him out for the first time, as I use him my intimacy will go up, mine goes to 35 in a short amount of time. It will stay there as long as I don't die, put him in storage or log off. Though you will start off with a low intimacy value and it might not rise very high when you first start off, it'll go up as you use that digi. Generally if you get it to bm then it's intimacy will start off at 20 and will go to 35; in my personal experience anyway. Now when I bring out my tento my intimacy is at 20 with him, so a decent chunk of my attributes are being passed onto him. Though when I hit 35, his attack has gone up by 50 and defense by 20. Those may seem like little numbers, but it makes a lot of difference when fighting. So make your digimon like you and you'll like them better when they're smashing through more digimon. 

If you'd like to see the effect that your intimacy is having on your digi, then you click the d button to bring up the digimon menu and go to abilities. You then can hover over a stat (it'll be in green if its being boosted usually) and see what effect your chips,cloning and tamer is having on it. The number that has the tamer picture next to it, is what your tamer is passing onto the digi.


Chips are wonderful things that will apply directly to your digi's stats as long as they meet the type and level requirement. They come in ranks of 1-6; apparently there was supposedly an event with betamon sizes with the winners getting rank 7 chips, but trollmax/joymax never gave them out. The higher the rank of the chip, the more stats points it'll give and usually the higher the requirement it is. You can sell chips and chip eggs but cannot once you've applied the chip.  Chips also come in a range, you usually wont get the same number every time. You can apply two chips at a time, to do this bring up the tamer menu( click c) and go to the digivice tab and there are two slots for chips to go.  Now to see if they do you must check several things; the chip type, level requirement, digi level,and digi type. You can hover over the chip and it'll present all this info conveniently for you. Your digimon must not only match the level requirement but also the family requirment. If your digimon has two families it just needs to match one of them on the chip. For example my tento is jungle trooper and nature spirits, so jungle trooper and nature spirits chips will both work on him, I can apply one of each chip if I want. Now to check a head of time to see what family your digi has, you click d then there is an arrow on the side of the digi's menu and you can hover over each evolution to see what families they're in, so you can pick the best chip to help out the most evolutions. Bm's often change families so if you wish to train in that form, you need to find the right chip for it. Of course if you don't want to carry all sorts of chips with you, all family chips are your friend. 

Now where do I get these magical things? You can get chips anywhere pretty much, which as you go to higher areas you will most likely will get higher chips. Here are several ways I've gotten chips from around the digital world.

Eggs That Have a Blue Square Around Them- These look like the data/item eggs, except they will have a blue square around them when they're in you inventory ( like eggs that give you data will have a green box around them), they are usually more to scan then the other types of eggs that you get in that area. These may give you nothing, a family specific chip or an all family chip. Generally different types of eggs will give different family chips, like if you pick up a blue squared dragon egg, you'll usually get Dragon's Roar family chip, I don't know all the combinations, but generally if the digi that drops it is of a particular family, its eggs may give that particular chip.

The 880 Bit Eggs From Gizu- These are eggs that cost 880 bits to scan and will give you all family chips for levels 55 and up. This is probably one of the easiest and cheapest ways to get chips, but you have to have a level 55 digimon to use them.

Chip Eggs- This is the way to get the type of family chip you want. You get these from b1,b2 and maze. They cost around 12-15 m to scan, which you may get nothing, a chip or an attribute. In b1 they don't drop too often but when they do, they can apply to lower level digimon unlike the ones from b2 and maze which have requirements of level 55-61. Ones that have a pink box or are called epic, usually give better chips but a lot of times have higher requirements. These can be bought for a decnt price, but can get expensive after buying a lot of them. Chip eggs come in ranks, the highest I've seen so far is rank 7 epic.

Chip Egg Quest- In b2 of the maze or b1 in dats, you can get quests that will give you a random chip egg, Not exactly the best way to get them, but if you need a more rare type of family chip, then try these.

Types of Chips

There are several types of chips that you can use, each have their merits. Most people I know run either double attack chips or one attack and one defense.

Attack Chips-These boost your base attack stat (not skills) and are the most commonly used and sought after chip. These chips can add up to 80 attack points, and really make a difference. If you want to kill fast, then these are the ones to use. Also if you have high evasion then slap on two attack chips since you can't get hit. The downside is that these are expensive since a lot of people want them. They can go anywhere from 200m-2t, though the higher prices are usually for the ap 80 or rarer family chips.

Defense Chips- These boost your base defense stat and are hard to get. These allow your digi to take more hits and any amount helps a lot. If you choose to clone critical, a defense chip might be handy since you'll be exposed to being hit. Using an all family defense chip isn't a bad idea since they're harder to get and it saves room in your inventory.

Health Chips- These boost your digimon's health stat. These are easy to get and are cheap. But in the grand scheme of things don't make as much of a difference as attack and defense chips do. You can maybe survive one or two more hits with these on, but I personally don't care for them. I've seen them add as much as 470 hp.

Digi-Soul Chips-These boost your digimon's ds stat. These are also easy to get and are cheap.These maybe add 150 ds, which may get you one more skill before you have to use a disk.

You can also have dual stat chips which will boost two stats, but they are significantly lower than if it was a single stat chip for a stat.

Chipset Families

Jungle Troopers- Are relatively easy to get, and usually drop from bug digimon, wormmon in f1 are a good source.

Dragon's Roar- Are a little more difficult to get, usually drop from dragons, mono in b2 are a good source.

Nightmare Soliders- Are pretty easy to get, are dropped from anything that looks evil pretty much. Gobli/worm/ in f1 and all kera types in the whole maze are good sources. Also kera are good sources for b2.

Metal Empire- Also pretty easy to get, dropped from rock type digimon or machines. Volcamon in maze entrance are a good source and so are the cyber and haguru in b2.

Virus Busters- Are harder to get, I've seen usually dragons or "good" looking digimon drop these . I've gotten quite a few from galidmon in maze b2.

Nature Sprits-Probably the most common chip egg, anything that look like an animals will probably drop these. Worms/bears in f1 drop them a lot. Bear in b1 might also drop them if you're looking for lower level chips.

Deep Savers- Very hard to get, these are the more expensive types, you can get these from aqua digimon. F3 and F4 apparently have digimon ( I think seadramon) that drop these.

Dark Area- One of the more uncommon types, pretty much anything evil looking will drop these too.

Unknown- Is a very oddball family, the most notable member is keramon, you can get these from I guess virus digimon, wormon in f1 drops them a lot.

Winged Guardians- This is hard to get chip and ap 80 will go for 1.5-2t. Birds or flying digimin will drop these. I get a lot from CannonBeemon in the maze entrance.

All Family- These are cheap and relatively easy to get from dt or gizu. It doesn't matter what family you are, your digi just has to be the right level. These are good for saving space and money. Though they don't give as much of a boost as a family specific chip. Their requirements are usually 46-55, with the level 46 ones obtained from dt and the 55 from gizu.

Friday, December 21, 2012


Here is an interesting aspect if the game that people always get confused about: reinforcement of your digimon aka cloning. Cloning is a tool that helps make your life easier when grinding levels and is almost mandatory to be successful  in places like gizu,maze and b2. It also is handy for when you're farming mc for that one last evo you need.

Now when people ask you what you cloned on your digimon you report it in a #/# fashion. If I were to clone my attack six times and my evasion 4 times I'd respond 6/4.

Why would you ever want to clone? Take this for example, my herculeskabutarimon had an f2 with a base damage of around 1800 if I'm not mistaken, which is not enough to kill a gizu in one hit (which is around 2100-2300 hp). I could wait until i can use the skill points that the digimon gains from fighting but if I want to go kill some gizu right away I can clone attack which will not only increase the base attack damage for my digimon's attack stat but will also increase the power of the f1/f2 skills. So can clone until about 6 and start killing gizu right away instead of waiting for the skill points to increase my skill power (which is about 50 attack points each time you upgrade a skill in mega).

To see if your mega needs cloning look at the site below. If you have an f2 with a base of 1600 cloning attack until about 8 or 9 should allow it to 1 hit a gizu and probably level 6 if you upgrade the skill to the max.

There are 4 types of auras in DMO, these are the result of getting to a certain level,cloning, the size of your digimon or buying a tamer aura from the cash shop.

Level Aura- No matter what, you will get these types of auras. They surround your digimon and change color as you level. They start off around level 40 as very faint sparkles (they're kinda hard to see). when you get to level 46 you gain a green one, 51 is kind of a teal-light blue color, 60 is a dark blue, 70 is purple which will slowly progress to a pinkish color until you hit 80 where its a bright red, which is the last aura change you'll see.

Size Aura- These are auras that are directly under the digimon and are due to the size of it. Generally any digimon that is over 120% will have a purple size aura so these are generally 5/5. The 4/5 will have a blue aura and are usually bigger than 110%-112%. 3/5 sadly get nothing, but can get size auras for some reason after you fought with it for a while. They will disappear as soon as you digivolve,die or switch digimon. This does not mean they've become a 4/5 or 5/5. 

Tamer Aura-These are white auras that surround the tamer that you can buy from the cash shop. This aura makes sure that your tamer ds doesn't drop, which is handy if you're training with a bm.

Cloning Aura- These are swirls of different colors that are around the digimon. To get these you have to clone to a certain level, if you where to clone attack and evasion successfully 3 times each then you get a very faint light blue swirl, 5/5 or 6/6 will give you blue swirls, 9/9 will give you purple swirls  and the only way to get red swirls is cloning 12/12 or two stats to the max reinforcement level which is 12.

Cloning and the materials needed
There are several important things about cloning:
You can clone only to a total number of 24, and each stat can only be reinforced/cloned up to 12. What this means is if some one where to clone all their stats to 6 will not be able to clone further because the total of successful reinforcements is 24 (6+6+6+6=24).
It is highly recommended to pick two stats and clone those to 12 each, bringing out the full potential of your digi.
Once you use a clone or a back up disk it's gone, even if it was an unsuccessful try, you won't get those materials back.
Back Up Disk do not guarantee that you'll be successful at your cloning attempt, they just guarantee that you won't decrease in cloning level.
If you fail too many times at cloning you can go down in cloning level, so be careful.
You must go in order when you clone, so you must first use clone d from level 0-3, clone c from 4-6,clone b from 7-9 and clone a 10-12.
Some people say that you get better results when you clone your digimon when its level 41, I'v cloned at all levels and haven't seen much of a difference. But there is not much of a need to clone until 41 because the digimon aren't that hard to kill. Once you leave to go to higher training grounds after getting mega, it's a good time to clone.
Cloning is mostly based on luck
If you fail twice in a row and you're not using clone d, its best to back off and wait because you will probably will go down in cloning level if you try and fail again.


Clone D- This is the lowest level cloning material, they can be bought from the cash shop/silk users, but you're better off buying them from the core shop ( the booth with the turtle) in dats for 1 core each. These will take you from level 0 (no reinforcement) to level 3 reinforcement. These are very easy with over a 90% chance of succeeding

Clone-C-They can be bought from the cash shop/silk users, but you're better off buying them from the core shop ( the booth with the turtle) in dats for 2 cores each. These will take you from level 4 to level 6 reinforcement. These are still easy and have a 80% chance of succeeding

Clone-B-They can be bought from the cash shop/silk users, but you're better off buying them from the core shop ( the booth with the turtle) in dats for 3 cores each. These will take you from level 7 to level 9 reinforcement. At these levels is when you start seeing major improvements to your digimon. These get pretty hard to do successfully, they drop to about 50-60% chance of success.

Clone-A- This is the highest level cloning material and can only be bought from the cash shop/silk users or dropped in maze. These are statistically the hardest to do with a less than 20-30% success rate. The best advice I can give is load up on bu and click on the corners and occasionally the middle  A decent price to pay for them is 90-105m. These will take you from level 10 to 12 reinforcement.

Back Up Disc- This guarantees that you won't go down a cloning level but won't stop you from failing. They can be bought from the cash shop/silk users, dropped from mc and are usually given out as prizes for events. When I started playing a decent price for a bu was 125-150m now it's jumped to 200m. I suggest using these at levels 8 and 9.

Reset Capsule- Will reset one stat one level, so if I had level 5 reinforcement on attack and use the capsule, it will put me down to level 4.

Reset Capsule A- Will reset one stat all the way to level 0. If I had level 12 reinforcement on attack and use the capsule I'll be put down to level 0.

The Cloning Process
Now to clone you must go to the dats center and talk to the commander. Select enter dats center and you'll be inside the cloning chamber. There are 4 stats that can be cloned.

Attack-Cloning this will raise you physical attack and power of your f1/f2 skills, this is a must for all tamers to clone, if not than you're a very interesting soul.

Evasion- Cloning this will raise the chance that you won't get hit by attacks, is handy for going against big bosses/digimon that are stronger than you or if you like to run solo against huge mobs (ie the diablomon in gizu). I'd personally clone this if your digimon has a low defense to help it last a little longer, but it all comes down to preference. This stat can get to a large percentage; one of my digimon has a 70% evade rate and its at cloning level 10.

Critical- Increases the chance of a critical hit, is helpful for killing stuff quicker if you're lucky. If your digimon has high defense and can take a few hits (or you don't mind shoving tons of chicken combos down it's throat) then this might be more ideal for it. The percentage for this stat doesn't go as high at evasion, but still gets to useful levels of a critical happening. Once again this is all personal preference.

Block- Increases your chances of blocking an a attack. Not many people use this because evasion does the same thing practically and has a higher chance of happening while block has a very low base percentage. I do not suggest 

Once in the chamber select a stat to clone, the material that you're using, and the back up disc if you're using one. When you click clone, 2 rows of cards will appear and there will be a count down. You can click a card if you choose or just wait for the time to run out and a random card will be chosen for you. My suggestion for cloning once you get to b and c range is after you see which row has the most success (it'll show you all the cards once you choose) and then pick the opposite row the next time. This method has seemed to work for me but cloning is all luck. 

Now when you clone you notice that it will give you a range of increase of the stat if you were to be successful. For example for the first level of cloning you can increase your attack power from 1-3. If you land on 3 then the nest increase will be between 4-8 when you clone again, but if you land on 2 then the next chance of increase will be between 2-5 next time you clone. This is where the reset capsule comes in, if you where to get a 1 for example then you just use a regular reset capsule and go down one level and maybe try again for that 3. Reset capsule A is usually for people who've decided that they want to clone an entirely different stat or wish to start from scratch in the stat they had cloned before and try to get better increases this time around. I don't suggest a stat for the latter reason, cloning is expensive and time consuming. If you want to reset a stat there is a little tab that says "reset" and you choose the stat you want to reset and the capsule you're using.  

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Quests are great, they give you money, items and tons of experience; they also give your guild points.

There are several types of quests:
Killing quest- You just kill the required digimon. In some cases killing the leaders won't fulfill the quest or you have to kill only leaders to fulfill it.
Drop quest- Where you kill digimon and wait for them to drop a required item, these quests take the longest and can be frusterating.
Delivery quests- Where you have to take an item to an NPC or you just have to speak with them.
Use quest- Where you have to go to a certain place on the map,NPC or digimon and " use" the item on them. You do this by clicking on the target and left clicking the item you need to use on them.

Here is a guide that is in detail for all the quests up to entering the Digimon Maze.

As for the quests in the Maze itself, I found a guide that is in rough english that I'll try to clean up and post as soon as I can. Here it is if you don't mind the rough translation or can read Indonesian.

Basic DMO slang and locations

I was initially shocked when I said the words "dt" and someone who was above level 30 did not know what I meant. So here is a basic overview of slang and locations in the world of dmo. Sorry if  I don't get all the terms, but these are the more prevalent ones.

Slang Terms
DT/dt= Dark Towers
west west= Western Area West
snow= Can either mean Snowman Village or Snowstorm Village. I personally use it to mean Snowman Village because it's where you usually train in the general polar area besides Infinite Ice Wall.
bm/BM= Burst Mode
cm= Crimson Mode, which is Guilmon's Burst Mode, I'm not sure why people made up a new acronym for it; maybe to feel special.
lfp= Looking for Party
lfm= Looking for Member, which is in reference to a party.
mme=Magic Mystery Egg
mteq= Mysterious Top Quality Egg
farm= Digimon Farm
western= Western Village
dats= The DATS Center
b1/d1= Usually if you're not at the digimon maze, b1 will usually mean basement floor one  at the dats center or if you want to be more specific dungeon floor one. If you're at maze it'll mean basement floor one of the digimon maze.
b2=Usually if you're not at the digimon maze,b2 will usually refer to basement floor two, which you have to be tamer level 50 to enter. If you're at maze it'll mean basement floor two of the digimon maze.
maze/labyrinth= The Digimon Maze or Maze Entrance, which you have to be tamer level 55 to access the area. 
f1=In most cases refers to the skill the digimon has when it hatches/evolves. Is called the f1 because it's usually on the f1 hotkey. If you're at maze it might refer to floor one of the digimon maze.
f2=In most cases refers to the second skill the digimon learns at levels 16,31,46 and for bm 73. This attack is always stronger than the f1 skill and should always be reinforced with skill points to the max. Is called the f2 because it's usually on the f2 hotkey. If you're at maze it might refer to floor two of the digimon maze.
f3= Some digimon can learn a 3rd skill attack, if they can, they will generally learn it when normal digimon learn their f2. If you're at maze it might refer to floor three of the digimon maze.
f4= Most likely means floor four of the digimon maze most likely, but there are one or two digimon that can learn a 4th skill attack, I personally don't know when they learn it.
bike/motorcycle= If its not a normal converstion, can refer to Beelzeamon's rider, the Behemoth. 
grani= Gallantmon's rider, looks like a gliding dragon.
gizu= Infinite Ice Wall
dd= Distorted Data Village
rh=Ruined Historic as long as you aren't talking about blood.
wind=Wind Valley if its not a normal conversation.
oil1/2/3=Oil Refinery 1,2 or 3.
Yokohama= Can mean either Yokohama Village or Yokohama East Village
woodbench/forest park= Can mean either Wood Bench Park or Small Forest Park
evo= Evolutor 
mc= Monster Card
boss= Boss Monster Cards, one will appear and will usually drop decent stuff
soloing/solo= Means taking on a Boss Card by yourself and usually not using any f1/f2 attacks
HMG= Hell MetalGraymon
jorgess= Refers to the new digimon that require a fusion of two digimon. These are hard to get, you must be tamer level 70 to use them, and are very powerful.
mod=Mode Selector
100% egg= Refers to egg that will not break up to 3 inserts of data. You can try to insert more but it might break.
reinforced= Eggs that can only have data inserted to them until a certain phase like 3/5,4/5 or 5/5. They can also come in verities that have the ultimate or mega slot already opened so you wont have to unlock them yourself. You cannot put anymore data beyond their specified phase. 3/5 means you can only insert data 3 times and must hatch it, 4/5 four times, and 5/5 five times(which is the max amount  of times you can insert data in any egg).
merc egg/drop egg= Eggs that are dropped by digimon in the field. You can insert data into these eggs up to 5 times but they like to break often
bu/bup=Back Up Disk
mh= Miracle Fruit, can increase or decrease the size of your digimon.
cloning= Process by which you reinforce your digimon's stats. I'll go into more detail later.
There are a lot of shortened names for digimon that you'll have to learn yourself.

Specialty Locations
Dark Towers- You get to here by going though Western Area West
Western Area West- There is a cerberumon in Western Village near the impmons, that will allow you to go there if you're tamer level 25.
Basement floor 1 and 2 (dats)- You go to the dats center and by the bottom of the stairs is a fat guy who will give you tickets so you can access either floor. This is a simple daily quest and all you have to do is talk to him twice and you've completed the quest. You can then proceed to go to either floor. Note b1 does not lead to b2, they're their own separate dungeons.
Distorted Data Village- Access this by going by the superstarmon/wendingomon in Snowman Village.
Digimon Maze Entrance- Access this by going to Dark Towers, head towards Dark Veemon but when you get to the fork in the road go left.
Frozen Ground- Access this by going to Snowstorm Village, it's by the garurumons/gotsumons.
Ruined Historic- Can Access this by Digimon Farm or Wind Valley. In wind just follow the trail until it dead ends at the rh enterance. In digifarm go by the strikedramon.
Infinite Ice Wall- Go by the metaletemons in Snowman Village

A Little Intro

Hi, my name is awiec, a level 60 tamer on the Lilithmon server. While I'm not the strongest tamer, I've played for about 7 months and have gained knowledge through trial and error. This blog is more aimed at those of you who can level and train with no issue, but are not aware of the more fine tuned mechanics of the game; namely my wonderful guildmates. There are a ton of wonderful resources for dmo out there and my aim to put all of it in one place while giving credit/linking to sources I use.