Monday, June 3, 2013

Digimon of the Week

I've decided to do in depth reviews about digimon. These will mainly cover digimon I have since I have first hand experience with them. I will post their base stats, meaning no clone, no attribute or no chips. Attributes affect the Hp,Ds, Defense and Attack of the digimon. Critical, Evasion, Blocking,  and Attack speed are un-changed and stay the same no matter the size/level of the same digi unless you clone critical,evasion or block. I also will post about how difficult it is to obtain and hatch the digimon. The stats shown will be at important level milestones like 41/46, 65 and 90. If you record your stats at these levels I would love to for you to send them to me. Here are the catagories covered:

Farming difficulty: This is how hard the digi is to farm, I take into account the locations it's in and the level gap for farming them. I will list where and how to get the eggs. There are 3 levels

Low-There is a huge level range for farming them, they appear in many places and the area they are in is easy to get to.

Medium- The level range is smaller, there aren't as many places to farm them and they might be in an area that is not easy to get to.

Hard- The level range is very small, they only appear in one place/are un-farmable and they are in a hard to get to area.

Price: I'll list the general price for them, people can sell them lower or higher than what I list, but this is what I consider a fair price.

Hatching difficulty: This rating is for the difficulty for getting a 4/5, for a 5/5 just assume it is on the hard difficulty. I also take into account how hard it is to farm the eggs and their price.

Low- Need 20 eggs or less; or the eggs are very easy to get/buy

Medium- Need 20-35 eggs ; or the eggs aren't very difficult to get/buy

High- Need 50+ eggs; or eggs are hard to get/buy

I will also list if it's good for carding and suggest the cloning for it. I will also provide how many evo/bm item you need, chips needed and where to train it.

This is a work in progress, I add things as I go, if you have suggestions then please send them to me/ comment.

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